Compassionate End-of-life care

Fostering End-of-Life Care Homes

The Omega Home Network is a non-profit national membership organization that promotes the development and expansion of community homes for dying people. Through information sharing, consultation and educational offerings, we provide direct assistance to those developing and operating homes in their communities.

Membership Benefits

Hundreds of Resources to Help You Get Started

Omega Homes are part of the movement to improve the end-of-life experience for individuals and families in America. The Network offers, to those who want to provide the experience of home and extended family to people at the end of life, an information bridge to making that happen in their communities.

Training Resources

Omega Home Network accesses the broadest base of model-specific educational tools and resources available, including an Omega Home Start-Up Manual. Network membership ensures easy access to the most up-to-date information.

Peer Support

The best resource for homes for the dying is the expertise of our members who are willing to share their advice, experience, and knowledge in order to help with the development of this model for end-of-life care. Omega Home Network members look to each other for support and guidance as new issues arise.

Discounted Conference Fees

Omega Home Network members receive discounted rates for the Omega Home Network annual conference. Through information sharing in keynote, large group and breakout sessions, experts provide information about opening and sustaining an Omega Home and our philosophy and model of care.

Online Forum Access

Members of the Omega Home Network support each other through sharing information and resources. The Forum is a place to share examples and ask and answer questions about creating and running a community home for dying people.


Omega Home Network members embrace the “Pay It Forward” philosophy, sharing expertise so that new projects don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Member homes welcome site visitors to learn about the model. One-on-one mentoring is available by phone, email, and in person when possible.


Omega Home Network membership connects you with peers and leaders in a growing movement that offers a viable solution to the caregiver crisis in end-of-life care. Mutual inspiration fuels our momentum!

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© 2024 Omega Home Network

Omega Home Network is a 501(c)(3) public charity and donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.